Citation - New York Gazette & Weekly Post Boy: 1752.02.17

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Index Entry Come on ye critics, find one fault who date [fl] 
Location New York 
17 Feb 1752:11,12,13 (474)
A very extraordinary phenomenon, in your paper of February
3d.  I mean part of a new play of our own home production,
awakened all my curiosity.  After much labour, with the
assistance of some notes sent me by a friend, who had the
honour to be present, when the author of this piece
rehears'd it, and pointed out its beauties, to a certain
great person, and some few friends, before it was given out
to be acted or published, I have at last been able to fathom
what I once thought bottomless. . . [1/2 column, signed]
To the most profound genius, the author of the incomparable
incomprehensible What-d'ye-call-it, said to have been lately
acted at the Niew Zale van Cajapham, in the out-ward of the
city of New-York: and part of it actually publish'd in the
New-York Gazette: Feb. 2, 1752.
  Come on ye critics, find one fault who date,
  For read it backwards, like a witch's prayer
  'Twill do as well; throw not away your jests
  On solid nonsense that abides all tests.
. . . [68 lines, mentioning Shakespear]
  Thus, in these climes you first shall wear the bays,
  And be our first "Lord-Chancellor of plays."---.
. . . [15 lines, with reference to Tibbald, etc]

Generic Title New York Gazette & Weekly Post Boy 
Date 1752.02.17 
Publisher Parker, James 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1752 
Bibliography B0026183
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